Eucharistic Revival
11:30 am - Noon: 1st Reflection
Noon - 12:30 pm: Lunch - Please sign up to ensure adequate preparation
15 minute break
12:45 - 1:15 pm: 2nd Reflection
15 minute break
1:30 - 2:00 pm: 3rd Reflection
15 minute break
2:15 - 2:45 pm: 4th Reflection
Along with the Eucharistic Reviva, Fr. Marty Flynn, Pastor in Norway and Vulcan, and Fr. Mike Woempner, Pastor of St. Mary Queen of Peace in Kingsford, are going to "switch pulpits" for the weekend Masses. They will preach on the topic, "What the Catholic Church teaches about the Eucharist."
We invite you to attend this special event to help us grow in our appreciation for the tremendous Gift of the Holy Eucharist. You may Register for this event by signing the sheets available at all 3 Churches, or by calling: St. Mary's Norway (906) 563-9845 St. Mary Queen of Peace in Kingsford (906) 774-6122